Emotional Intelligence Development

Powerful insights about the personal energy that you bring to your career and your life.

Do you know people who seem to have amazing opportunities that just drop in their laps? They seem to find success at every turn and achieve every goal they set for themselves. Would you like to understand WHY and HOW this is happening for them and create the same amazing opportunities for yourself?

The key is developing your Emotional Intelligence and learning how you are “showing up” to life’s challenges and opportunities. Conceived and designed by Dr. Bruce D. Schneider, the Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI) is an empowerment coaching tool that allows clients to gain valuable insight into their own Emotional Intelligence. From the assessment, clients learn how to subjectively observe their attitudes and perceptions towards challenging career situations. With this new skill, clients are able to make a shift in their consciousness, choose how they will respond to situations and circumstances at work (instead of merely reacting to them) and are able to increase their overall energy and engagement in their careers.

Ready to get started? Contact us to learn more!